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Showing posts from December, 2016

Sneezin' Away

What is an allergic reaction?  Essentially, this is when the body reacts defensively to a perceived threat and fights the allergens in the same way it does a viral infection. Eating foods "out of season and region" may also contribute to allergic reactions.  You may ask, "What's wrong with eating an apple in June?" Nothing.  Unless, of course, you have a food allergy.... Most produce  is transported worldwide by trucks & trains for hundreds (or in some cases thousands of miles if by boat) in partially opened containers. photo credit: DSC_0004 via photopin (license) Based on the time of year, the container may come in contact with in-season allergens like mold, poison ivy, poison oak, various types of pollen.  These allergens are constantly in the environment, but may be more prevalent in some regions during certain times of the year. This can be partially remedied by washing the produce thoroughly before consumption. However, in