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Showing posts with the label beginners

The Basics 2 (Part 2): Take Care And...Beware..

People want to be and stay healthy, but global healthcare costs are soaring.   This has created a staggering number of people desperately seeking low-cost alternative treatment options. Alternative medicine has generated controversy in many medical academic circles.  Photo by  practicalowl  on  /  CC BY-NC For some people, the very word "alternative" conjures up images of risky, unproven experimental treatments that are potentially hazardous to the general public. The most common methods of alternative or complementary therapies include herbs, supplements, and fringe therapies found outside of conventional medical applications. Unusual concoctions come with the territory of "alternative treatments". However, some alternative methods unintentionally raise questions regarding their safety and effectiveness.

The Basics 2 (Part 1): Herbs In Your Home

Those of you that follow this blog regularly will probably recall my original "Basics Series". I brought that series out for the benefit of my new readers who may have been unfamiliar with herbal therapies. Here is the link to part 1.   The other parts, of course, are available via archives, table of contents (TOC), and internal blog search. Feel free to read and share them.  This brings me to my newest series which is simply titled "The Basics 2". My previous series was in three parts. I'm not sure if I'll make this series quite that long (or longer), but I wanted to provide you with some additional content on the subject. Once again, feel free to share and read....

The Basics Series: Part Two

Why Natural Therapies Work Natural therapies found in alternative medicine are considerably older than Western treatments such as invasive surgical techniques and antibiotics. Numerous experts theorize that herbal remedies and Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India, may have existed for more than five millenia. One of the principal goals of natural healing is to completely break the cycle of dependency and allow people to have more control over their lives. Physicians and other medical professionals are very beneficial to society as a whole, but what happens when modern doctoring simply does not work? It is a known fact that antibiotics have saved millions of lives over the years. However, a recent resurgence of "old" viruses and germs are proving to be extremely resistant to conventional therapies. Antibiotics are no longer effective against them.

The Basics Series Prelude

Hello everyone, I wanted to make an announcement about a new project I have been dedicating a considerable amount of time to recently. Regular readers will no doubt recall my alluding to this in a recent comment I made.