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Showing posts with the label healthy eating

Why Potatoes (of any kind) Should Be A Part Of Your Diet

Potatoes are the most popular vegetable in America, even surpassing other well-known vegetables such as lettuce and onions. Potatoes can be cooked in a variety of ways, and they are included in one out of every three meals consumed by almost all Americans. When prepared properly, potatoes can be an excellent source of energy as well as a nutritional powerhouse. Potatoes, like oranges, are high in vitamin C. One medium potato, in fact, contains 45 percent of the vitamin C recommended for good health. Potatoes are also high in fiber and carbohydrates, as well as having more potassium than a banana. This post may contain affiliate links. Upon purchase, we may earn a commission. Remember, affiliate links that may appear on this blog are at no extra cost to you. You are only billed by the seller for purchasing products or services. See our affiliate link disclosure page for details. A potato has no fat, sodium, or cholesterol and is naturally low in calories. The skins of potatoes cont