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Composition Of A Good Nutrient Rich Diet

For the human body to function well, it should be fed a good balance of vitamins and nutrients. There are three primary macronutrients which we consume namely protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Without these, our body won't be able to function properly. Since we cannot synthesize vitamins in sufficient quantities, they must be obtained from dietary sources.  We also need several minerals for our body to function smoothly. Calcium and phosphorous, for example, aside from being important in the strengthening and lengthening of your bones are needed by your heart to pump efficiently. Salt, aside from adding flavor to your dishes, contain sodium and chlorine which help in maintaining fluid balance and producing digestive juices, respectively. Mineral salts are ionic in nature, they help regulate pH levels in our blood and body. Maintenance of proper pH levels is crucial for the proper functioning of the body, a balanced supply of necessary mineral nutrients ensures that

Press Your Way To Better Health!!

Some of the best techniques for healing are quite ancient... Take acupressure for example... Did you know that thousands of years ago,  acupressure was practiced  in China during The Stone Age?

Get Sleep Now!! (Part 2)

Eat. Sleep. Be happy. Repeat.   Unknown- Your Quest:  A Great Night's Sleep Your Steps: Just Moments Away

Get Sleep Now!! (Part 1)

There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep. Homer- When was the last time you had a great (not just  good ) night's sleep? I mean, a sleep that makes you want to spring out of bed with a serious burst of energy?

Fighting Allergies...Naturally (Part 2)

What if there was no allergic rhinitis (hay fever)?  What would your life be like without this condition? Did you know that at least 20% of the population in North America are affected by this condition each year? Once, long ago, it was rare to find someone with seasonal affected allergies... (Here's part 1 in case you missed it)